Перевод: со всех языков на английский

с английского на все языки

being pursued

  • 1 ГЛАГОЛ

    1. ГЛАГОЛ повторяется в настоящем, прошедшем и будущем времени, чтобы подчеркнуть непрерывность
    @ делаем и будем делать
    Мы поддерживали и будем поддерживать прифронтовые государства Африки.
    We have always supported the front-line African states. We are continuing to support the front-line African states. We shall continue to support the front-line African states. We shall continue our support ( глагол заменяется существительным) for the front-line African states. @ не делаем и не сделаем
    Россия не ослабляет и не ослабит усилий, направленных на то, чтобы отвести от человечества военную угрозу.
    Russia will not slacken its efforts/will persist in its efforts/will continue its efforts to protect mankind from the threat of war. @ не делали и не делаем
    Переводится обязательно сложным временем.
    Мы никогда не искали и не ищем себе выгод – будь то экономические, политические или иные. – We have never sought profits/advantages for ourselves – be they economic, political, or any other kind. @ делали и делаем
    Мы предлагали и предлагаем договориться о полном запрещении ядерного оружия.
    We are continuing to propose/continue to propose/continue to favor/we have always favored/always proposed agreement on a total nuclear weapons test ban. @ не сделали и не сделаем
    Наша страна не допустила и не допустит вмешательства в свои внутренние дела. –
    Our country has never allowed/will never allow/will continue to prevent/oppose interference in its internal affairs. @ делали и будем делать
    Мы выступали и будем выступать в их поддержку. -
    We shall continue to support them. (Лучше чем We have always supported them) @
    2. ГЛАГОЛ, повторенный через дефис
    keep \+ verb
    Я иду-иду, уже сил нет, а все еще далеко до места. – I keep/kept on going, but it is/was still a long distance to/far to the place.
    On I went,/I walked and walked, but… *** Он смотрел-смотрел, никак не мог разглядеть. – He kept on looking but/No matter how he looked he could not make it out.
    3. передача инфинитива при помощи будущего времени
    Дети есть дети. – Children will be children.
    4. повелительное наклонение
    а) в условном времени
    Приди я вовремя, ничего бы не случилось. – If I had come in time nothing would have happened.
    б) для выражения протеста против необходимости выполнять нежелательные действия
    Тебе хорошо с гостями чаи распивать, а я дома сиди. – You’re having fun drinking tea with the guests while/but I’ve got to stay home.
    Сами гулять пойдете, а я пиши. – You can/go off on your own, I’ve got to write/ I’m stuck with the writing.
    с) неожиданное или непредвиденное действие
    Он меня позвал – я споткнись, чашку разбил. – He called out to me and I stumbled and broke a cup.
    Дорога ровная – а он возьми и упади. – The road was flat/even when all of a sudden he fell.
    5. Настоящее время, описывающее серию событий в прошлом, переводится прошедшим.
    Возвращаюсь я вчера вечером домой, иду по нашей улице, вдруг слышу знакомый голос. – Last night as I was going home, walking down our street, I suddenly heard a familiar voice.
    6. Настоящее время переводится и настоящим, и будущим.
    Я уезжаю через неделю, завтра я весь день работаю, а вечером сижу дома. – I’m leaving in a week – tomorrow I’ll work/I’m working all day and in the evening I’ll be home.
    7. Совершенный вид русских глаголов, выражающих повторное действие, переводится с помощью длительного настоящего времени.
    Сегодня мне весь день мешают – то кто-нибудь придет, то телефон зазвонит. – I’m being bothered all day – people keep coming in and the phone keeps ringing.
    8. Описание характерного или привычного поведения человека.
    Он всегда прибежит, накричит, наскандалит, а потом удивляется, почему его не любят. – He’s always barging in/rushing in screaming/yelling at someone/causing trouble/insulting people/offending people/raising a row and then he wonders why/is surprised that/and then he asks why people don’t like him.
    9. В разговорных конструкциях прошедшее время от глаголов «пойти» и «поехать» передается будущим временем.
    Я пошел. – I’m about to leave.
    Я поехал, буду через два часа. – I’m off/I’ll be going/I’ll be back in two hours.
    10. Перевод конструкций типа «то, что» «чтобы»
    a) Сокращение и переосмысление
    Сложность этого эксперимента заключается в том, что он требует длительного времени. – The problem with this experiment is that it requires a lot of time.
    Утешение было только в том, что он уезжал всего на несколько дней. – The only consolation was that he would be away for long/was leaving for only a few days.
    б) использование деепричастного оборота (это идиоматичнее и короче)
    Мы начали вечер с того, что предложили всем потанцевать. – We started the party/evening by suggesting/with the suggestion that everyone dance.
    Он начал с того, что лично познакомился со всеми.- Не began by introducing himself to everyone/by getting personally acquainted with everyone.
    в) Порой «чтобы» не переводится, и время глагола определяется контекстом:
    Я не видел, чтобы он чистил зубы. - I didn't see him brush his teeth/I never saw him brush his teeth.
    Я хочу, чтобы вы меня правильно поняли. - I want you to understand me correctly/to get what I mean.
    г) to + infinitive вместо довольно неуклюжей конструкции in order to или so as to
    Я вернулся с тем, чтобы предупредить вас. - I came back to warn you.
    Я пришел не с тем, чтобы спорить с вами. - I didn't come to argue with you.
    д) Иногда можно заменить «чтобы» словами so that:
    Говори, чтобы все поняли. - Speak so that everyone understands/gets the point.
    11. Придаточные предложения, которые начинаются с «как» или с «как бы», можно перевести на английский с помощью условного наклонения или деепричастия.
    Я люблю смотреть, как он выступает. - I like watching him perform/I like to watch him perform/I like watching him performing.
    Он боялся, как бы не простудиться. - Не was afraid of catching cold/He was afraid he might/could catch cold.
    12. «He + инфинитив + бы» требует don't или see that X doesn't do Y.
    He простудиться бы! - Take care/I'll take care not to/See that you don't catch cold.
    He забыть бы его адрес! - See you don't/take care not to/be sure you don't/I mustn't/I must take care not to forget his address.
    13. перевод вида глагола
    а) Переводчик должен постоянно иметь в виду, что в английском языке используются совершенно разные глаголы для передачи смысла обоих членов одной русской видовой пары, как, например, «сделать» и «делать»
    Что же делал Бельтов в продолжение этих десяти лет? Все или почти все. Что он сделал? Ничего или почти ничего. -
    What did Beltov do during these ten years? Everything or almost everything. What did he achieve? Nothing, or almost nothing. уверить — convince решать — try to solve решить — solve. учиться — study научиться — learn отыскивать — look for отыскать — find сдавать экзамен - to take an exam сдать экзамен - to pass an exam поступать в университет - to apply to a university поступить в университет - be admitted/get into a university
    б) При переводе глаголов несовершенного вида нельзя не подчеркнуть, что речь идет о попытках говорящего или кого-то другого что-либо сделать.
    Войска брали крепость целый месяц. - The troops tried for a whole month to take the fortress.
    Я к нему долго привыкал, но наконец привык. - For a long time I tried to get used to him, and finally did. He оправдывайся! - Don't try to justify yourselfl/Don't try to make excuses!
    с)Существует также целая категория особых глаголов, у которых несовершенный вид указывает на состояние, которое является результатом завершенного действия и передается совершенным видом.
    Я «понимаю» is the result of «я понял», and note that English "I understand" translates them both. The formal pair «разобраться/разбираться» are exactly the same; the verb in «я разобрался в этом» is an achievement with the change-of-state meaning characteristic of perfectives, while the verb in «я разбираюсь в этом» signals the state resulting from the achievement. They may both be translated as / understand, but the former means / have figured out (come to understand), while the latter means I understand (as a result of having figured out). These verbs belong to a very large group of perfectives whose change of state is inceptive, whose imperfectives denote the new, resulting state: «понял, понимаю, поверил, верю, понравиться, нравиться».
    14. Перевод безличных конструкций
    а) Во множественном числе третьего лица безличную конструкцию можно переделать в пассивную:
    Посетителей просят оставить верхнюю одежду в гардеробе. -
    Visitors are requested/asked to leave/Visitors must leave/check their coats in the coatroom.
    б) Можно вставить субъект/подлежащее:
    Об этом часто приходится слышать. - I/he/we/they often hear about this.
    Чувствовалось, что он доволен. - I/we/they felt/could feel that he was pleased.
    в) В некоторых контекстах возвратные глаголы переводятся как переходные с добавлением подлежащего:
    Под вакуумом понимается пространство, не содержащее вещества. - A vacuum is defined as space/By a vacuum we mean space/The definition of a vacuum is space/A vacuum is understood to be space free from/not containing/devoid of matter.
    В данном случае сложное движение рассматривается как результат двух движений. - In this case complex movement is considered as/considered to be/we see complex movement as/we define complex movement as the result of two movements.
    г) Когда русское местоимение является дополнением безличных глаголов, то можно переделать в подлежащее/субъект.
    В ушах звенело, во рту пересохло. - His/my ears were ringing, his/my throat was dry.
    Меня неудержимо клонило в сон. - I felt an irresistible urge to sleep/I just couldn't stay awake/I felt horribly/terribly/awfully sleepy. Ее потянуло в Париж. - She felt an urge to go to Paris/Paris was calling to her/She felt like going to Paris. Мне жаль мою подругу. - I'm sorry for my girlfriend.
    15. Перевод причастий
    1. переводится на английский глагольной формой на -ing.
    Девушка, читающая книгу, очень красива - The girl who is reading the book is very pretty.
    2. переводится с пропуском причастия, т.е. с помощью короткого оборота с предлогом и краткого придаточного предложения
    Группа, имеющая такие блестящие результаты, является гордостью нашего института. - The group with such outstanding results is the pride of our institute.
    Вопрос, выходящий за рамки данной статьи. - A matter/issue/question beyond the scope of this article.
    см. ГЛАГОЛ
    обычно переводится оборотом с предлогом:
    Строящийся завод является одним из новейших в стране. - The factory under construction is one of the newest in the country.
    см. ГЛАГОЛ
    можно выразить просто притяжательной формой:
    Книга, принадлежащая ей. - Her book.
    см. ГЛАГОЛ
    1. переводятся с русского языка скорее как прилагательные, чем как причастия.
    Проводимая страной политика одобряется всем народом. - The policy pursued (not "which is being pursued") by our country has the backing/approval of the entire people.
    2. в некоторых случаях причастие можно просто опустить:
    Ясно определились позиции, занимаемые обеими сторонами по таким жизненно важным вопросам. - The positions of both sides on such vitally important questions are now clear.
    см. ГЛАГОЛ
    16. Перевод деепричастий.
    а) Прошедшее время из русского языка нередко переходит в английский в качестве деепричастия.
    Мы видели, как дети купались в реке. We saw the children swimming in the river.
    б) Деепричастие настоящего времени подчас приходится переводить на английский прошедшим:
    Раза два в год бывал в Москве и, возвращаясь оттуда, рассказывал об этом. Не would visit/used to visit Moscow a couple of times a year, and after returning home/on his return home tell/would tell about it.
    в) Деепричастие прошедшего времени в некоторых случаях становится деепричастием и в настоящем:
    Сев за рояль, она заиграла вальс. - Sitting at the piano, she played a waltz.
    г) При переводе русских деепричастий бывает необходимым объяснение причинных или временных обстоятельств:
    Выслушав меня внимательно, вы быстро меня поймете. If you listen to me carefully, you'll understand quickly.
    Почувствовав голод, они решили обедать без гостей. - Because/since they were hungry, they decided to eat without/without waiting for/the guests. Переехав в собственную квартиру, он стал гораздо более самостоятельным человеком. - When/after he moved to his own apartment he became a lot more independent.
    д) В описательных деепричастных оборотах можно заменить деепричастие конструкцией «with + имя существительное»:
    Он сидел, закрыв глаза. - Не sat/was sitting with his eyes closed.
    «Это очень смешно!» — сказал он, засмеявшись. "That's very funny," he said with a laugh.
    е) Так называемые «безличные» деепричастия, которые часто встречаются в Русских технических текстах, иногда заменяются существительными или перед ними вставляется предлог.
    Используя эти данные, можно приближенно предсказать процесс. - Use of this data allows us to make an approximate prediction of the process/By using this data, we can make...
    Изучая эту таблицу, легко видеть, что... - Study of this table makes it clear that.../In studying this table we clearly see that…
    17. Сокращение глагольных конструкций
    Подчас русское словосочетание выражается одним английским глаголом. Смысл передается при помощи приставки или суффикса en-, un-, -ize, -ate.
    утверждать то, что оказалось чистейшей чепухой – to talk utter nonsense
    располагать в алфавитном порядке – to alphabetize заставить грубой силой – to bludgeon приводить в систему, распределять по категориям – list, categorize лишать законной силы – to invalidate выводить из строя – to incapacitate поймать в ловушку – to entrap

    Словарь переводчика-синхрониста (русско-английский) > ГЛАГОЛ


    1. переводятся с русского языка скорее как прилагательные, чем как причастия.
    Проводимая страной политика одобряется всем народом. - The policy pursued (not "which is being pursued") by our country has the backing/approval of the entire people.
    2. в некоторых случаях причастие можно просто опустить:
    Ясно определились позиции, занимаемые обеими сторонами по таким жизненно важным вопросам. - The positions of both sides on such vitally important questions are now clear.

    Русско-английский словарь переводчика-синхрониста > СТРАДАТЕЛЬНЫЙ ПРИЧАСТНЫЙ ОБОРОТ НАСТОЯЩЕГО ВРЕМЕНИ

  • 3 Parseval, August von

    SUBJECT AREA: Aerospace
    b. 1861
    d. 22 February 1942 Berlin, Germany
    German designer of tethered observation balloons and non-rigid airships.
    Major von Parseval and his colleague Captain von Sigsfeld were serving in the German army during the 1890s when improved military observation from the air was being pursued. Tethered observation balloons, raised and lowered by a winch, had been used since 1794, but in strong winds a spherical balloon became very unstable. Manned kites were being developed by "Colonel" S.F. Cody, in Britain, and others, but kites were a problem if the wind dropped. A very successful compromise was achieved in 1897 by von Parseval and von Sigsfeld, who developed a kite-balloon, the Drachen ("Dragon"), which was elongated like an airship and fitted with large inflated fins. It was attached to its tethering cable in such a way that it flew with a positive incidence (nose up) to the wind, thus producing some lift—like a kite. The combination of these factors made the kite-balloon very stable. Other countries followed suit and a version designed by the Frenchman Albert Caquot was widely used during the First World War for observing the results of artillery fire. Caquot balloons were also used around London as a barrage to obstruct enemy aircraft, and "barrage balloons" were widely used during the Second World War. After working at a government balloon factory in Berlin where non-rigid airships were built, von Parseval designed his own non-rigid airship. The Parseval I which flew in 1906 was small, but larger and faster non-rigids followed. These were built by Luftfahrzeug-Gesellschaft m.b.H. of Berlin founded in 1908 to build and operate Parseval airships. The British Admiralty ordered three Parseval airships, two to be built by Vickers of Barrow (who had built the rigid airship R 1 Mayfly in 1911), and one to be built in Berlin. This one was flown from Berlin to Farnborough in 1913 and joined the Vickers-built Parseval in the Naval Air Service. During the First World War, Parseval airships had the unique distinction of serving on both sides. Three small Parseval airships were built between 1929 and 1932 for use in advertising.
    Further Reading
    A.Hildebrandt, 1908, Airships Past and Present, London (describes the kite-balloon). Fred Gütschow, 1985, Das Luftschiff, Stuttgart (includes a record of all the airships). Basil Clarke, 1961, The History of Airships, London (provides limited coverage of von Parseval's work).
    Basil Collier, 1974, The Airship: A History, London (provides limited coverage of von Parseval's work).

    Biographical history of technology > Parseval, August von

  • 4 פנאי

    פְּנַאי, פְּנַייm. (פָּנָה) 1) emptiness, vacancy. Num. R. s. 14 (play on אל תבהל מפניו, Koh. 8:3) לא נתבהל מפ׳ הבית he (Joseph) was not bewildered by the emptiness of the house (his being alone with Potiphars wife). 2) vacation, leisure, time, opportunity. Ab. Zar. V, 6 לפי שאין פ׳ לנסך because the invaders do not take time to offer a libation (so as to make the wine forbidden, v. נָסַךְ). Ib. 71a לנסך אין פ׳ לבעול יש פ׳ for libation they do not take time, but for outrage they do. Y. ib. V, 45a top אין פ׳ להטיל אירס the snake (being pursued) finds no opportunity to shed venom; a. fr.

    Jewish literature > פנאי

  • 5 פניי

    פְּנַאי, פְּנַייm. (פָּנָה) 1) emptiness, vacancy. Num. R. s. 14 (play on אל תבהל מפניו, Koh. 8:3) לא נתבהל מפ׳ הבית he (Joseph) was not bewildered by the emptiness of the house (his being alone with Potiphars wife). 2) vacation, leisure, time, opportunity. Ab. Zar. V, 6 לפי שאין פ׳ לנסך because the invaders do not take time to offer a libation (so as to make the wine forbidden, v. נָסַךְ). Ib. 71a לנסך אין פ׳ לבעול יש פ׳ for libation they do not take time, but for outrage they do. Y. ib. V, 45a top אין פ׳ להטיל אירס the snake (being pursued) finds no opportunity to shed venom; a. fr.

    Jewish literature > פניי

  • 6 פְּנַאי

    פְּנַאי, פְּנַייm. (פָּנָה) 1) emptiness, vacancy. Num. R. s. 14 (play on אל תבהל מפניו, Koh. 8:3) לא נתבהל מפ׳ הבית he (Joseph) was not bewildered by the emptiness of the house (his being alone with Potiphars wife). 2) vacation, leisure, time, opportunity. Ab. Zar. V, 6 לפי שאין פ׳ לנסך because the invaders do not take time to offer a libation (so as to make the wine forbidden, v. נָסַךְ). Ib. 71a לנסך אין פ׳ לבעול יש פ׳ for libation they do not take time, but for outrage they do. Y. ib. V, 45a top אין פ׳ להטיל אירס the snake (being pursued) finds no opportunity to shed venom; a. fr.

    Jewish literature > פְּנַאי

  • 7 פְּנַיי

    פְּנַאי, פְּנַייm. (פָּנָה) 1) emptiness, vacancy. Num. R. s. 14 (play on אל תבהל מפניו, Koh. 8:3) לא נתבהל מפ׳ הבית he (Joseph) was not bewildered by the emptiness of the house (his being alone with Potiphars wife). 2) vacation, leisure, time, opportunity. Ab. Zar. V, 6 לפי שאין פ׳ לנסך because the invaders do not take time to offer a libation (so as to make the wine forbidden, v. נָסַךְ). Ib. 71a לנסך אין פ׳ לבעול יש פ׳ for libation they do not take time, but for outrage they do. Y. ib. V, 45a top אין פ׳ להטיל אירס the snake (being pursued) finds no opportunity to shed venom; a. fr.

    Jewish literature > פְּנַיי

  • 8 определять круг проблем

    Определять круг проблем-- Problem areas in this design have been identified and solutions are being pursued.

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > определять круг проблем

  • 9 по методу

    По методу-- The results are in accordance with the multiple criteria being pursued under each strategy.

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > по методу

  • 10 поиск решений продолжается

    Поиск решений продолжается-- Problem areas in this design have been identified and solutions are being pursued.

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > поиск решений продолжается

  • 11 рассмотрение этого вопроса продолжается

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > рассмотрение этого вопроса продолжается

  • 12 Ino

    īnō, ūs, f. ( Ino, ōnis, Hyg. Fab. 2), daughter of Cadmus and Harmonia, sister of Semele, wife of Athamas king of Thebes, nurse of Bacchus, mother of Learchus and Melicerta, and step-mother of Phrixus and Helle. Being pursued by Athamas, who had become raving mad, she threw herself with Melicerta into the sea, whereupon they were both changed into sea-deities. Ino, as such, was called Matuta (Gr. Leucothea), and Melicerta Palaemon or Portumnus, Cic. Tusc. 1, 12, 28; Ov. M. 4, 416 sq.; id. F. 6, 485; Hor. A. P. 123 al.; cf. Preller's Gr. Mythol. 1, p. 377 sq.—Hence,
    Īnōŭs, a, um, adj., of or belonging to Ino:


    Verg. G. 1, 437; cf.


    id. A. 5, 823:


    Ov. M. 4, 497:


    Stat. S. 2, 1, 98:


    Ov. A. A. 3, 176:


    where Ino wished to sacrifice Phrixus, Val. Fl. 1, 521:


    where Ino threw herself into the sea, id. ib. 2, 608:


    where games were celebrated by Athamas in honor of Ino, Stat. S. 4, 3, 60:


    a promontory of the isthmus just mentioned, id. ib. 2, 2, 35.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > Ino

  • 13 ino

    īnō, ūs, f. ( Ino, ōnis, Hyg. Fab. 2), daughter of Cadmus and Harmonia, sister of Semele, wife of Athamas king of Thebes, nurse of Bacchus, mother of Learchus and Melicerta, and step-mother of Phrixus and Helle. Being pursued by Athamas, who had become raving mad, she threw herself with Melicerta into the sea, whereupon they were both changed into sea-deities. Ino, as such, was called Matuta (Gr. Leucothea), and Melicerta Palaemon or Portumnus, Cic. Tusc. 1, 12, 28; Ov. M. 4, 416 sq.; id. F. 6, 485; Hor. A. P. 123 al.; cf. Preller's Gr. Mythol. 1, p. 377 sq.—Hence,
    Īnōŭs, a, um, adj., of or belonging to Ino:


    Verg. G. 1, 437; cf.


    id. A. 5, 823:


    Ov. M. 4, 497:


    Stat. S. 2, 1, 98:


    Ov. A. A. 3, 176:


    where Ino wished to sacrifice Phrixus, Val. Fl. 1, 521:


    where Ino threw herself into the sea, id. ib. 2, 608:


    where games were celebrated by Athamas in honor of Ino, Stat. S. 4, 3, 60:


    a promontory of the isthmus just mentioned, id. ib. 2, 2, 35.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > ino

  • 14 διώκω

    + V 14-24-27-15-32=112 Gn 14,15; 31,23; Ex 15,9; Lv 26,7.8(bis)
    to pursue, to chase [τινα] 2 Sm 21,5; id. [ὀπίσω τινός] (of pers.) Gn 31,23; to pursue, to seek after [τι] Prv 15,9; id. [ὀπίσω τινός] (of things) Jgs 4,16; to follow [τι] Ezr 9,4; to run, to flee [intrans.] Hab 2,2
    ἐκ πάντων τῶν διωκόντων με from all my prosecutors, pursuers Ps 7,2
    *Lv 26,17 διώκοντος pursuing-רדף for MT רדה dominating; *Is 30,28 καὶ διώξεται it shall pursue-וינס
    נוס for MT רסן a bridle; *Ez 25,13 διωκόμενοι being pursued-ידדנה נדד for MT דדנה/ו
    *Prv 21,6 διώκει pursues-רדף for MT נדף fleeting? Cf. HARLÉ 1988 207(Lv
    26,17); →NIDNTT; TWNT
    (→ἀποδιώκω, ἐκδιώκω, ἐπιδιώκω, καταδιώκω, μεταδιώκω, συνδιώκω,,)

    Lust (λαγνεία) > διώκω

  • 15 Stumpf, Johann

    fl. c. 1900 Germany
    German inventor of a successful design of uniflow steam engine.
    In 1869 Stumpf was commissioned by the Pope Manufacturing Company of Hertford, Connecticut, to set up two triple-expansion, vertical, Corliss pumping engines. He tried to simplify this complicated system and started research with the internal combustion engine and the steam turbine particularly as his models. The construction of steam turbines in several stages where the steam passed through in a unidirectional flow was being pursued at that time, and Stumpf wondered whether it would be possible to raise the efficiency of a reciprocating steam engine to the same thermal level as the turbine by the use of the uniflow principle.
    Stumpf began to investigate these principles without studying the work of earlier pioneers like L.J. Todd, which he later thought would have led him astray. It was not until 1908, when he was Professor at the Institute of Technology in Berlin- Charlottenburg, that he patented his successful "una-flow" steam engine. In that year he took out six British patents for improvements in details on his original one Stumpf fully realized the thermal advantages of compressing the residual steam and was able to evolve systems of coping with excessive compression when starting. He also placed steam-jackets around the ends of the cylinder. Stumpf's first engine was built in 1908 by the Erste B runner Maschinenfabrik-Gesellschaft, and licences were taken out by many other manufacturers, including those in Britain and the USA. His engine was developed into the most economical type of reciprocating steam engine.
    1912, The Una-Flow Steam Engine, Munich: R. Oldenbourg (his own account of the una-flow engine).
    Further Reading
    H.W.Dickinson, 1938, A Short History of the Steam Engine, Cambridge University Press; R.L.Hills, 1989, Power from Steam. A History of the Stationary Steam Engine, Cambridge University Press (both discuss Stumpf's engine).
    H.J.Braun, "The National Association of German-American Technologists and technology transfer between Germany and the United States, 1844–1930", History of Technology 8 (provides details of Stumpf's earlier work).

    Biographical history of technology > Stumpf, Johann

  • 16 takipsizlik

    1. (a matter´s) not being pursued, lack of pursuit. 2. law lack of grounds (for legal action). - kararı judicial decision to abate an action or quash a charge or indictment.

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > takipsizlik

  • 17 רדף

    רָדַף(b. h.) to run: to pursue. Gen. R. s. 44 רָדַפְתִּי מלכיםוכ׳ I pursued the kings to Damascus. Ab. Zar.75a שמימיו רוֹדְפִין (Ms. M. רדופין), v. infra. Snh.VIII, 7 הרוֹדֵף אחר חבירווכ׳ he that runs after his fellowman with murderous intention. Ib. 74a רודף שהיה רודף אחר רודףוכ׳ a pursuer who runs after a pursuer in order to save him (prevent him from murder); a. fr.Pes.114a אכול בצל … ולבך רודף עליך Ms. M. 1 (ed. ויהא לבךוכ׳, Ms. M. 2 רדוף) eat onion and sit in the shade (v. צֵל), rather than eat goose and chicken with thy heart within thee running (being restless and greedy).Part. pass. רָדוּף; f. רְדוּפָה a) quick, rapid. Ab. Zar.75a מעיין שמימיו רְדוּפִין Ms. M. (ed. רודפין) a spring whose waters run rapidly; (Y. ib. V, end, 45b נהר שמימיו מהלכין).b) anxious, longing. Tosef.Yeb.VI, 6 הרי שהיתהר׳ לילךוכ׳ if the wife (at the time of her husbands death) has been following her desire to go on a visit to her parental home; Yeb.42b. Keth.71b כאן בר׳וכ׳ in the one case it means when she is anxious to go home (during her first year of married life) Ib. ככלה … ור׳ לילךוכ׳ like a bride that has been found perfect in her husbands paternal home, and is anxious to go home and tell ; Pes.87a.רגל (ה)רְדוּפִין the first festival after marriage. Y. ib. VIII, 35d top איזהו רגל הר׳ … שאביה רוֹדְפָהּוכ׳ which festival is ‘the festival of the anxious?… The first festival after marriage, when her father urges her to go back to her husbands house. Ib. לא הלכה … רגלר׳ if she did not go home for the first festival, may the second festival be considered ‘the festival of the anxious (with regard to her partaking of the fathers Passover meal)? Cant. R. to VIII, 9 בת מלכים …ר׳ר׳ a princess that went to observe the first festival at her fathers house; a. e. Nif. נִרְדַּף to be pursued, chased, persecuted. Snh. l. c. בין של רודף בין של נִרְדָּףוכ׳ whether he broke the vessels of the pursuer (in his attempt to prevent him from murder) or those of the pursued. Lev. R. s. 27 (ref. to Koh. 3:15) לעולם … הנִרְדָּפִין מן הרודפין at all times the Lord requires the blood of the pursued at the hands of the pursuers; הבל נ׳ מפני קיןוכ׳ Abel was pursued by Cain, and the Lord chose Abel ; ib. לא תקריבו … אלא מן הנרדפין bring me no offerings from among the pursuers (beasts of prey), but from among the pursued; Pesik. Shor, p. 76a>, sq.; a. fr. Pi. רִדֵּף to pursue, strive after. Y.Snh.III, beg.21a מתוך שביררו מְרַדֵּף זכותו because he has chosen him as arbiter, he will advocate his (clients) claim.

    Jewish literature > רדף

  • 18 רָדַף

    רָדַף(b. h.) to run: to pursue. Gen. R. s. 44 רָדַפְתִּי מלכיםוכ׳ I pursued the kings to Damascus. Ab. Zar.75a שמימיו רוֹדְפִין (Ms. M. רדופין), v. infra. Snh.VIII, 7 הרוֹדֵף אחר חבירווכ׳ he that runs after his fellowman with murderous intention. Ib. 74a רודף שהיה רודף אחר רודףוכ׳ a pursuer who runs after a pursuer in order to save him (prevent him from murder); a. fr.Pes.114a אכול בצל … ולבך רודף עליך Ms. M. 1 (ed. ויהא לבךוכ׳, Ms. M. 2 רדוף) eat onion and sit in the shade (v. צֵל), rather than eat goose and chicken with thy heart within thee running (being restless and greedy).Part. pass. רָדוּף; f. רְדוּפָה a) quick, rapid. Ab. Zar.75a מעיין שמימיו רְדוּפִין Ms. M. (ed. רודפין) a spring whose waters run rapidly; (Y. ib. V, end, 45b נהר שמימיו מהלכין).b) anxious, longing. Tosef.Yeb.VI, 6 הרי שהיתהר׳ לילךוכ׳ if the wife (at the time of her husbands death) has been following her desire to go on a visit to her parental home; Yeb.42b. Keth.71b כאן בר׳וכ׳ in the one case it means when she is anxious to go home (during her first year of married life) Ib. ככלה … ור׳ לילךוכ׳ like a bride that has been found perfect in her husbands paternal home, and is anxious to go home and tell ; Pes.87a.רגל (ה)רְדוּפִין the first festival after marriage. Y. ib. VIII, 35d top איזהו רגל הר׳ … שאביה רוֹדְפָהּוכ׳ which festival is ‘the festival of the anxious?… The first festival after marriage, when her father urges her to go back to her husbands house. Ib. לא הלכה … רגלר׳ if she did not go home for the first festival, may the second festival be considered ‘the festival of the anxious (with regard to her partaking of the fathers Passover meal)? Cant. R. to VIII, 9 בת מלכים …ר׳ר׳ a princess that went to observe the first festival at her fathers house; a. e. Nif. נִרְדַּף to be pursued, chased, persecuted. Snh. l. c. בין של רודף בין של נִרְדָּףוכ׳ whether he broke the vessels of the pursuer (in his attempt to prevent him from murder) or those of the pursued. Lev. R. s. 27 (ref. to Koh. 3:15) לעולם … הנִרְדָּפִין מן הרודפין at all times the Lord requires the blood of the pursued at the hands of the pursuers; הבל נ׳ מפני קיןוכ׳ Abel was pursued by Cain, and the Lord chose Abel ; ib. לא תקריבו … אלא מן הנרדפין bring me no offerings from among the pursuers (beasts of prey), but from among the pursued; Pesik. Shor, p. 76a>, sq.; a. fr. Pi. רִדֵּף to pursue, strive after. Y.Snh.III, beg.21a מתוך שביררו מְרַדֵּף זכותו because he has chosen him as arbiter, he will advocate his (clients) claim.

    Jewish literature > רָדַף

  • 19 grosero

    rude, impolite, coarse, discourteous.
    rough person, rough, rough and disorderly person, rude.
    * * *
    1 (tosco) coarse, crude
    nombre masculino,nombre femenino
    1 rude person
    * * *
    (f. - grosera)
    2) rude
    * * *
    ADJ (=descortés) rude; (=ordinario) coarse, vulgar; (=tosco) rough, loutish; (=indecente) indelicate
    * * *
    - ra adjetivo
    a) ( descortés) <persona/comportamiento> rude, ill-mannered; < lenguaje> rude
    b) ( vulgar) crude
    - ra masculino, femenino

    es un grosero — ( vulgar) he's so vulgar o crude!; ( descortés) he's so rude!

    * * *
    = rude [ruder -comp., rudest -sup.], churlish, abusive, vulgar, uncouth, coarse [coarser -comp.; coarsest -sup.], gross [grosser -comp., grossest -sup.], churl, boorish, short, short-tempered, off-hand [offhand], tasteless, crass [crasser -comp., crassest -sup.].
    Ex. 'That young man was terribly rude'.
    Ex. 'He's slipping back into a churlish mood', the director said averting his eyes.
    Ex. Reference supervisors have a responsibility to protect their staff as well as other library users from the unpleasant, abusive behavior of some persons.
    Ex. This paper is a somewhat whimsical glance backwards, recalling 6 vulgar American parodies of 7 enduring songs.
    Ex. All the writers chosen characterized eastern Europe throughout the 18th century as uncouth and backward.
    Ex. The sections of a book were stapled to a coarse cloth backing, but unfortunately the staples soon rusted and became brittle.
    Ex. Janell has always had a soft spot in her heart for animals most people might find gross.
    Ex. Then again, who but a churl could fail to grieve at the waste of an artistic life of such immensity and grandeur?.
    Ex. He says he dislikes Rose way more because she is a big mouth, intolerant, boorish, know-it-all and always talking about her gay life.
    Ex. He first spotted trouble when she started being short with users and so he solved the problem by scaling back her workload.
    Ex. A medical doctor had told him that the reason why women have faster pulse beats is because they are short-tempered.
    Ex. The osteopath was accused of being off-hand with a female patient and not putting her at ease.
    Ex. Of the hundreds of figurines currently on the market, here are the most bizarrely tasteless.
    Ex. In these new book, he is still at bay, pursued by the hounds of desire and anxiety in a literary world ever more crass.
    * ser grosero con = be abusive of.
    * * *
    - ra adjetivo
    a) ( descortés) <persona/comportamiento> rude, ill-mannered; < lenguaje> rude
    b) ( vulgar) crude
    - ra masculino, femenino

    es un grosero — ( vulgar) he's so vulgar o crude!; ( descortés) he's so rude!

    * * *
    = rude [ruder -comp., rudest -sup.], churlish, abusive, vulgar, uncouth, coarse [coarser -comp.; coarsest -sup.], gross [grosser -comp., grossest -sup.], churl, boorish, short, short-tempered, off-hand [offhand], tasteless, crass [crasser -comp., crassest -sup.].

    Ex: 'That young man was terribly rude'.

    Ex: 'He's slipping back into a churlish mood', the director said averting his eyes.
    Ex: Reference supervisors have a responsibility to protect their staff as well as other library users from the unpleasant, abusive behavior of some persons.
    Ex: This paper is a somewhat whimsical glance backwards, recalling 6 vulgar American parodies of 7 enduring songs.
    Ex: All the writers chosen characterized eastern Europe throughout the 18th century as uncouth and backward.
    Ex: The sections of a book were stapled to a coarse cloth backing, but unfortunately the staples soon rusted and became brittle.
    Ex: Janell has always had a soft spot in her heart for animals most people might find gross.
    Ex: Then again, who but a churl could fail to grieve at the waste of an artistic life of such immensity and grandeur?.
    Ex: He says he dislikes Rose way more because she is a big mouth, intolerant, boorish, know-it-all and always talking about her gay life.
    Ex: He first spotted trouble when she started being short with users and so he solved the problem by scaling back her workload.
    Ex: A medical doctor had told him that the reason why women have faster pulse beats is because they are short-tempered.
    Ex: The osteopath was accused of being off-hand with a female patient and not putting her at ease.
    Ex: Of the hundreds of figurines currently on the market, here are the most bizarrely tasteless.
    Ex: In these new book, he is still at bay, pursued by the hounds of desire and anxiety in a literary world ever more crass.
    * ser grosero con = be abusive of.

    * * *
    grosero1 -ra
    1 (descortés) ‹persona/comportamiento› rude, ill-mannered; ‹lenguaje› rude
    2 (vulgar) crude, vulgar, coarse
    grosero2 -ra
    masculine, feminine
    es un grosero (vulgar) he's so vulgar o crude o coarse!; (descortés) he's so rude!
    * * *


    ◊ -ra adjetivo

    a) ( descortés) ‹persona/lenguaje rude

    ■ sustantivo masculino, femenino:
    es un grosero ( vulgar) he's so vulgar o crude!;

    ( descortés) he's so rude!
    I adjetivo
    1 (tosco, de baja calidad) coarse
    2 (ofensivo, desagradable) rude
    II sustantivo masculino y femenino es un grosero, he's very rude
    ' grosero' also found in these entries:
    - basto
    - bruta
    - bruto
    - conmigo
    - grosera
    - ordinaria
    - ordinario
    - primitiva
    - primitivo
    - tono
    - animal
    - bestia
    - gamberro
    - gesto
    - guarango
    - ordinariez
    - patán
    - pelado
    - boorish
    - coarse
    - crude
    - earthy
    - foul
    - rude
    - throw out
    - uncouth
    - apologize
    - downright
    - dream
    - how
    - just
    - so
    - vulgar
    * * *
    grosero, -a
    1. [maleducado] rude, crude
    2. [tosco] coarse, rough
    3. [malhablado] foul-mouthed
    rude person;
    es un grosero he's terribly rude
    * * *
    I adj rude
    II m, grosera f rude person
    * * *
    grosero, -ra adj
    1) : rude, fresh
    2) : coarse, vulgar
    grosero, -ra n
    : rude person
    * * *
    grosero adj rude

    Spanish-English dictionary > grosero

  • 20 perseguitato

    m : perseguitato politico person being persecuted for their political views
    * * *
    perseguitato agg. persecuted, pursued; hounded; (da fantasmi, spiriti ecc.) haunted: perseguitato dai sensi di colpa, pursued (o haunted) by guilt; ma come riesci a vivere perseguitato dai creditori?, how can you live hounded by creditors?
    s.m. victim of persecution, persecuted person, pursued person: perseguitato politico, victim of political persecution.
    * * *
    [persegwi'tato] 1. 2.
    aggettivo pursued, hounded
    sostantivo maschile (f. -a) persecuted person, victim of persecution
    * * *
     →  perseguitare
     pursued, hounded
    III sostantivo m.
     (f. -a) persecuted person, victim of persecution.

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > perseguitato

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